ممتاز لإزالة المكياج القوي، كما أنه مناسب للبشرة الحساسة إذ يحتوي على مكونات غير مسببة للحساسية. هو غني بخلاصة جوز الهند وزبدة الشيا ويذوب عند غسله بالماء. يزيل المكياج القوي والعنيد بلطف ويترك البشرة ناعمة وصحيةونضرة من دون أن يسبب الحساسية أو جفاف البشرة.
مناسب لجميع انواع البشرة و الحساسة ايضا
#10 Natural Essential Oil, Shea Butter, Coconut
Mild cleansing with natural vegetable oil
Fresh cleansing finish without feeling tightness and residue
Skin irritation 0.00%, Certified France EVE VEGAN,
free from animal ingredients
#Multi Transforming cleanser
The sherbet type balm texture melts gently and turns into oil,
wiping off residue in the pores and dark lip & eye makeup.
All-in-one cleanser that does not require separate double cleansing.
#50ml&120ml, 100% Vegan&Cruelty Free
EVE VEGAN is an official voluntary label (registered trademark) recognized worldwide by those who are looking for guaranteed products without ingredients of animal
Suggested Use
Step1. Spread on face with 3 or 4 scoops.
Step2. massage in a circle with fingertips.
Step3. wash your face with tepid water.
Active Ingredients
Citrus herb oil , Coconut extract,Shea butter and White flower complex.
$10.35 $15.00
Description Sustain moisture every day and all day long!For AM time & sensitive skin. Mildly...
$10.35 $18.00
DESCRIPTION Take wastes and sebum out from deep inside the pore with a fine antibacterial...
$10.35 $15.00
[ How to use ] 1. Dispense a moderate amount into your hand. 2. Add...